I am excited to bring you some great health tips, must read articles, inspirational testimonials, and the latest news on how to keep healthy in 2012. like many of you, keeping weight off has been a personal struggle for many years, heck I love food!!.. but I also love the feeling of comfortably slipping into my jeans.
Did you know: chemical calories in our food are keeping us fat??
My Personal Journey to Reduce Chemicals in My Diet
My Favorite Diet Plan
Recipe: Easy Egg Muffins
An Inspirational Story....
Feature Product: Fish Oil
Classes, sign up now!
Did you Know that:
chemical calories in our food are keeping us fat?
I recently watched a David Suzuki show and was stunned to find out that there are chemicals in our food and environment that actually increase our appetites, trigger cravings and even increase the number and size of our fat cells!
Perhaps you saw Dr. Oz also talking about this topic?
I knew that MSG, aspartame, pesticides, high fructose corn sugar HFCS and a whole host of additives were not good for us....but research shows they are responsible for our ever growing obesity epidemic.
These chemicals make the struggle to lose weight, and keep it off, very difficult. They lower our metabolism and mimic the hormone estrogen.
Traditional methods of calorie counting and portion control have limited success when we are eating what Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton calls 'chemical calories'.
These chemical calories have been called 'obesogens' by obesity researcher and university professor Bruce Blumberg. To fully understand the seriousness of our tainted food supply read the 3 part article :
Part 1: Causes Of Obesity
But don't despair...by making different food choices and using natural cleaners in our home we can
reduce our exposure considerably. The Environmental Working Group(EWG) has published a list of 12 fruits and veggies with the most pesticides on them called 'The Dirty Dozen' as well as a list called 'The Clean 15'. Find out what they are, by reading this article:
How to Avoid Toxins in Our Food
Apples are one of the fruits containing the highest amount of pesticides, when apples are waxy and shiny they have been sprayed with up to 10 different chemicals..yummy!
My personal Journey to Reduce Chemicals in my Diet
Having spent a few weeks engrossed in writing articles and researching these chemical calories, I had a few 'light bulb' moments. What if I reduce my chemical exposure in my food and in my home, will it be easier for me to lose weight?
Can I eat what ever I like, so long as it is 'clean', and still not gain weight?
Well I think the answer is YES, at least research seems to support this theory. I can't imagine the freedom to eat whatever I want after years of being a slave to portion control, UWL recipes, calorie counting and so on.
So I have embarked on a NEW journey which I'd love to share with you:
Each week I plan on adding 5 clean products to my grocery list. My regular weekly food bill is currently $140.00 for my son and I. The goal is to go green and clean while still adhering to my budget.
Now I did exceed this amount by $63.00. I stocked up on some specials and bought some green cleaning products. However, my goal is to be 75% clean in 8 weeks and on budget! Here is a list of what I bought at Zehrs this week. Most items, except the meat, were on special :
Hemp protein powder $16.99 (not usually in my grocery budget, haven't tasted it yet!)
Presidents Choice(PC) organic ketchup $3.99
Liberte kefir $3.29 (I thought it was yogurt, but it is milk. Not sure how to use it?)
Free range whole chicken $13.60
4x fresh organic beef burgers $7.49
PC frozen wild bluberries $5.29
PC Organic old cheese $5.29
PC box of quinoa $1.99
PC box of organic broth $1.99
Chemical free dish soap $2.50
Stone mill flax bread $2.50
Coconut oil $15.00
I also bought a large bottle of chemical free multi purpose cleaner ($6.00), some organic spinach ($2.50) and some yummy kale pesto ($5.00) from The local Co op Market on Downie street.
By being open and exploring different sources of food, we can drastically reduce our chemical exposure to chemical calories and improve our health and weight.
Next week, I'll update you on 5 more new 'green' food items.
My Favorite Diet Plan
I have searched the web looking for a great weight loss program to recommend to people interested in following a plan. I'm pleased to report that I am now working with well known holistic nutritionist Isabel De Lois Rios.
Isabel has put together a fabulous weight loss program that is clean, delicious and full of obesogen fighting foods. Read my review of
The Diet Solution Program.
The program costs only $50.00 to download Isobel's 10 E books..less than a box of U-loss! Here is the link to order:
You will receive recipes, journal, food ideas, regular email tips, videos and loads more. There is also a support site full of other DSP'ers eager to lend their motivating support.
I am also following this program myself, so if you decide to join, let me know and I will give you a couple of FREE coachings. This free coaching offer is only available to 'Healthy Weight Loss' E-zine members.
Recipe: Easy Egg Muffins
For breakfast Isobel recommends adding either a cup of spinach, asparagus, cauliflower or broccoli to your diet. These are 'obesogen fighters' and help us lose weight. But heck.... spinach for breakie??
Here is an easy breakie solution:
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups egg whites
2+ cups steamed green veggies or cauliflower
1 medium diced onion fried in a tablespoon of coconut oil
Season with fresh herbs, sea salt and pepper
Mix all ingredients in a bowl, including the coconut oil left over from frying the onions. Spoon into a greased muffin tin and bake at 350 degrees until firm, approximately 30 minutes. Makes 12+ egg muffins. I generally eat 4 with a piece of fruit for breakfast.
One of the healthy fats Isobel recommends is coconut oil. She suggests 2 tablespoons a day, it is apparently great for weight loss and tastes delicious!
An inspirational Story
One of the best things about having managed the weight loss clinic here in Stratford, are the fond memories I have collected of some really cool clients. One such client, and there are many, is Cathy.
Cathy lost 120lbs and 100 inches! Cathy gave me permission to post her full testimonial on my website along with her before and after picture. You can find it here:
Cathys Testimonial.
I'd love to post more testimonials so drop me a line with your before and after picture. Of course, no last names will be published.
You can even join me on the Diet Solution Program and post your results, even if you only want to lose 10-15lbs. Testimonials are so inspirational and you never know how many lives you actually change just by writing a few words.
Feature product : Amazing Fish Oil
For the fish oil lovers...
If there is one supplement you decide to take, make sure it is omega- 3 fish oil. I have always strongly recommended this oil as the first line of defence: it is absolutely 'ESSENTIAL' for health, wellness and weight loss.
If you are looking for a quality fish oil, try the Krill oil from ProGrade. Here is a recent article Jason wrote on how Krill oil helps you burn more calories.
Burn More Calories With Krill Oil
These guys also carry a delicious sounding chocolate whey protein powder which I will try myself, and report to you in the next issue.
NEW...Healthy Eating Classes!
Topic: 10 Easy Tips to Avoid Fattening Obesogens in Our Diet
Date:Sunday February 26th 2-4pm
Location: My place at 89 st Vincent Street South, Stratford
E mail confirmation at : Katrina.van@live.com
Cost: $10.00 per person Class limit: 12, reserve your place now!
Come out have some fun and learn something new. Relaxed environment, handouts and yummy snacks on me.
Signing off...
Before I sign off, can someone come take a new pic of me short and blonde??
Your comments,feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
If you enjoyed this E-zine, please do a friend or family member a healthy favor and pass it on! Be clean and green...
katrina 89 st Vincent street South,
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